To some, video meetings have always been the norm. But to many more, these types of meetings are uncharted territory and likely not going anywhere, anytime soon.
With that in mind, we’re outlining some basic video etiquette that everyone should know.
Arrive on time.
This goes without saying, but just as any other meeting, you don’t want to be late! If you’re concerned about tech issues or difficulty connecting, login a few minutes early to get the kinks worked out.
Stay on mute.
Unless it’s your turn to speak, keep yourself muted to eliminate unnecessary background noise. The additional noise can be very distracting and make it hard to hear other people speak.
Wear headphones/headsets.
This will reduce some of the background noise and allow you to stay more focused. It can also help to keep information confidential (on the receiving end).
Keep body movement to a minimum.
Just as additional background noise can be distracting, body movement can make it difficult for others to focus. By limiting your movement, you’ll allow others to focus and remain focused yourself!
Eliminate Distractions.
Do we need to say anything else about this? If you’re popping in and out of the meeting due to other distractions, you’ll miss what’s being said and other attendees will have a hard time focussing.
Stick Around!
If you’re the host, wait until everyone has left the meeting before hanging up. That way everyone will have a chance to share final thoughts and say goodbye before going back to their day.
Video meetings are a great way to stay connected and accurately gauge a response through expressions, body language, and tone. We use Business Connect and Microsoft Teams to keep our team members connected. Our IT Solutions and Business Solutions teams can help you get set up!