Connecting caregivers and patients for better care
Discover how our nurse call system ensures timely and efficient care that's good for patients, caregivers, and operations Talk to an expertWith just a press of a button…
Staff gets notified immediately of the alarm that occurred via caregiver smartphone device or handset
Individual or assigned groups of staff can either accept the alarm or engage the resident in a two-way audio conversation
If there’s a delayed response, reminder notifications are sent
Check the actionable information logged along with operational analytics to see how well your facility is performing
Expert care, assurance, and quality are at the heart of what we offer

Care for Residents
Uncompromised safety with always-connected assistance. Improve the quality of care and speed of resident and caregiver communication. Advanced tracking technology provides complete peace of mind.

Balance for caregivers
Reduce alarm fatigue with improved two-way communication and enhanced workflow administration, which helps caregivers prioritize and manage their responses to alerts with the required urgency.

Reliability and quality for facility managers
Fewer empty beds due to higher patient satisfaction, less nurse fatigue, fewer staff turnover, and overall deeper operational analytics that provide real-time reporting and tracking of wandering patients. Invest in your bottom line with a reliable solution that works now and into the future. By reducing personnel costs and ensuring accurate billing allocation through alarm distribution analytics, you can remain profitable while balancing the needs of your residents and staff.
It allows that connection between our residents and our staff, and that’s a day-to-day, minute-to-minute operation that we have to have work perfectly. It allows us to do our operation properly. It allows our residents to live their lives without worry
Tim Galforth-Bles, President
CEO and Founder of Masterpiece Retirement
Case Study
When Masterpiece Retirement was left without a patient communication solution just three weeks before their scheduled opening date, they turned to Phone Experts for assistance. Utilizing a Nurse Call System we were able to offer real-time communication and location details, proving to be the perfect unified communications solution.